Transpose of a 2D Matrix using list of list in java – program with explanation

  1. package com.kb.transpose;
  2. import java.util.*;
  3. public class TransposeWithListOfList {
  4.     public static void main(String[] args) {
  6.         //create 2d array to hold matrix kind of data
  8.         Object[][] data = {
  9.             { "r1col1", "r1col2", "r1col3", "r1col4" },
  10.             { "r2col1", "r2col2", "r2col3", "r2col4" },
  11.             { "r3col1", "r3col2", "r3col3", "r3col4" },
  12.         };
  15.         List<List<Object>> table = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();//list to hold 2d matrix
  17.         for (Object[] row : data) {//iterate each row of 2d array
  18.             table.add(Arrays.asList(row));//convert 1d array into list and then add it to list of list
  19.         }
  20.         System.out.println(table); //  [[r1col1, r1col2, r1col3, r1col4],
  21.                                    //   [r2col1, r2col2, r2col3, r2col4],
  22.                                    //   [r3col1, r3col2, r3col3, r3col4]]"
  24.         table = returnTranspose(table);//get the transpose of a matrix
  26.         System.out.println(table); //  [[r1col1,r2col1, r3col1],
  27.                                    //   [r1col2, r2col2, r3col2],
  28.                                    //   [r1col3, r2col3, r3col3],
  29.                                    //   [r1col4, r2col4, r3col4]]
  30.     }
  31.     static  List<List<Object>> returnTranspose(List<List<Object>> table) {
  33.         List<List<Object>> transposedList = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();//list of list to hold transpose
  35.         final int firstListSize = table.get(0).size();
  36.         for (int i = 0; i < firstListSize; i++) {
  37.             List<Object> tempList = new ArrayList<Object>();//Temp list to hold each transposed row which was column initially
  39.             for (List<Object> row : table) { // iterate outer list to get sublist each time in the iteration
  40.                 tempList.add(row.get(i));//take sublist element at ith position each time and add it to temp list
  41.             }
  43.             //here col list have taken one one element from each element :
  44.             //ex: during first iteration of outer loop, it takes 1st element from each sublist
  45.             //during second iteration of outer loop, it takes 2nd element from each sublist
  46.             transposedList.add(tempList);//each transposed list is added to transposedList
  47.         }
  48.         return transposedList;
  49.     }
  50. }
package com.kb.transpose;
import java.util.*;
public class TransposeWithListOfList {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	//create 2d array to hold matrix kind of data
        Object[][] data = {
            { "r1col1", "r1col2", "r1col3", "r1col4" },
            { "r2col1", "r2col2", "r2col3", "r2col4" },
            { "r3col1", "r3col2", "r3col3", "r3col4" },
        List<List<Object>> table = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();//list to hold 2d matrix
        for (Object[] row : data) {//iterate each row of 2d array
            table.add(Arrays.asList(row));//convert 1d array into list and then add it to list of list
        System.out.println(table); //  [[r1col1, r1col2, r1col3, r1col4],
                                   //   [r2col1, r2col2, r2col3, r2col4],
                                   //   [r3col1, r3col2, r3col3, r3col4]]"
        table = returnTranspose(table);//get the transpose of a matrix
        System.out.println(table); //  [[r1col1,r2col1, r3col1],
                                   //   [r1col2, r2col2, r3col2],
                                   //   [r1col3, r2col3, r3col3],
                                   //   [r1col4, r2col4, r3col4]]
    static  List<List<Object>> returnTranspose(List<List<Object>> table) {
        List<List<Object>> transposedList = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();//list of list to hold transpose
        final int firstListSize = table.get(0).size();
        for (int i = 0; i < firstListSize; i++) {
            List<Object> tempList = new ArrayList<Object>();//Temp list to hold each transposed row which was column initially
            for (List<Object> row : table) { // iterate outer list to get sublist each time in the iteration
            	tempList.add(row.get(i));//take sublist element at ith position each time and add it to temp list
            //here col list have taken one one element from each element :
            //ex: during first iteration of outer loop, it takes 1st element from each sublist
            //during second iteration of outer loop, it takes 2nd element from each sublist
            transposedList.add(tempList);//each transposed list is added to transposedList
        return transposedList;

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