Hybris 1808 features

Hybris has released 6.7 version in August 2018 and it is named as 1808 release.

As per my analysis, this release has minor changes only.

Let’s discuss SAP Hybris 1808(6.7) new features

1) Commerce API

In Commerce API side, It has released below new APIs

New consent management REST API

This API helps us to retrieve the list of all user’s consents, get a specific consent, recording the giving of consents and consents withdrawals

New Countries REST API for Billing and Delivery Countries

This API allows us to get a list of countries that are defined for either billing or delivery

There is a /deliverycountries REST API already exist, The Billing Countries REST API is new and complements it.

The new functionality provides the benefit of being able to distinguish between countries we deliver to as opposed to countries we can do bill from.

Example, If storefront delivers only to European countries, we can still allow billing from countries outside of Europe.

New Regions (States/Provinces) REST API

This API helps us to get a list of regions associated to a specific country

This API can be mainly used for populating address forms, such as for billing or delivery

2) Platform

New features under Platform are as below

Configurable web roots in Installer recipes

This feature is used while building Docker images.

This feature allows us to change the web root path of an extension per aspect.

Aspect is a configuration to create an image for a specific purpose.

Runtime configuration change

This is related to runtime properties
We can configure any property file on the filesystem as the runtime configuration source, and regularly watch it for changes

Shutdown script

The shutdown script suspends the node and waits for completion of long-running tasks, until all threads get suspended.

It helps to avoid abrupt process termination.

Removal of deprecated initialization/update code

The legacy initialization/update code has been removed.

The classes that extend AbstractTypeInitializer are no longer generated.

Extension Removal and Deprecation

The following extensions have been removed in this release


In addition, the samlsinglesignon extension has been moved to the ext-platform-optional directory.

3) Search and Navigation

In this release, Hybris has introduced below features with Search and Navigation

Adaptive Search Improvements

Some of the improvements have been made to the Adaptive Search perspective

Managing Promoted items

We can highlight the promoted items in the search results
We can boost items to show them on top, regardless of the sorting

Marked Categories with configurations

The categories for which we have defined search configurations are now clearly marked, so we can avoid browsing through the categories to find a configuration.

Improved synchronization of Search profiles

Synchronization is now available in the Adaptive Search perspective.
The real time status gives us the possibility to check if profile has been synced or not, If not then we can synchronize the catalogs

Improved Handling of Solr Versions

With this release, Hybris supports multiple versions of Solr
We just need to change the set of properties and download the supported Solr and all other configurations are already available for all versions of Solr.

4) Promotion and Rule Engine

The following features have been introduced to Promotion and Rule Engine for 1808

Advanced search refinement

“in” operator is introduced in advanced search filter for promotions

Halt Rule Action

This feature is mainly applied on a promotion or a Rule and is used to stop the processing of further rules
This can also be used to jump out of processing when the rule is activated, reducing further processing, and also stopping any other promotions from being applied

Order Threshold Perfect Partner Condition

Order Threshold Perfect Partner Condition allows a customer to buy a certain product from within a defined set for a fixed price when the threshold order value is exceeded.

5) Backoffice Framework

New features added for Backoffice are as below

Solr Hot upgrade

The default strategy for updating Solr index in Backoffice was changed to a hot update, which allows to immediately reflect the changes in data in the Solr index.

Connection Removal and Access Settings

We can remove any widget connection in Backoffice when we don’t need them via widgets.xml
We can specify/remove/replace access restrictions for particular widgets via widgets.xml

Component Blacklisting

This allows to exclude arbitrary chosen components from being loaded by the framework as some of the components are required only in Pre-Prod environemnts

Explorer Tree Performance Improvements

The Explorer Tree was re-designed to allow for effective lookup of nodes using the filtering mechanism , it supports wide and/or deep trees

6) Backoffice Product Content Management

Some of the new features are added to Backoffice Product cockpit system

Classification System support within Microsoft Excel Import and Export

The ability to export and import classification classes and their attributes is now supported with Microsoft Excel Import and Export.

Integrating the Validation engine with Microsoft Excel Import

The validation engine is now integrated with the Excel import functionality

New enhancements in the assortment and compare views

The assortment view is now changed to use solr search and the compare view is enhanced to be more compact by introducing collapsible containers for collections and localized attributes

7) SmartEdit

Content versioning

Content versioning allows SmartEdit users to keep track of any changes made to the page of the content catalogs as it gets updated.

If a user doesn’t want to keep his latest changes, he can easily roll back the content to one of the previously created page versions.

New Versioning mode in SmartEdit allows users to perform page-version related operations. At any time, a user can create a new page version, manage an exisiting one, preview it, or roll back to it.

Managing homepages

Now using SmartEdit,We can mark any page as a homepage for a content catalog.

Managing trash pages

Using SmartEdit, We can restore pages previously trashed. We can also permanently delete the pages.

About the Author

Founder of javainsimpleway.com
I love Java and open source technologies and very much passionate about software development.
I like to share my knowledge with others especially on technology 🙂
I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for the beginners.
All the code posted on my blog is developed,compiled and tested in my development environment.
If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to kb.knowledge.sharing@gmail.com

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