Message Exchange Patterns (MEP) in Web services

Message Exchange Patterns

Message Exchange Pattern describes the pattern or protocol about how the communication between producer and consumer has to happen.

We have mainly 3 Message Exchange Patterns as listed below

1. Synchronous Request-Response

2. Asynchronous Request-Response

3. Fire and Forget or One way

Synchronous Request-Response

In this case, consumer sends the request to the provider and consumer waits for the response.

Consumer cannot proceed further until it receives response.

Synchronous Request Response

Asynchronous Request-Response

In this case, consumer sends the request to the provider and it won’t wait for the response.

Once the consumer makes a request, it continues its further execution.

There will be some response listener to receive the response when the provider returns the response.

Asynchronous Request Response

Fire and Forget or One way

In this case, consumer sends a request and it will not wait for the response.

It will not have any response listener too.

Consumer will just make a request to the service and continues its execution.

Fire and Forget

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