Maven Build tool setup

Maven – Setup by downloading latest release.

Maven uses in software development


Lets see the maven setup step by step

1)Download the latest maven from the link Maven download link
currently refer the latest version marked in the below screenshot


2)unzip the downloaded maven zipped folder to any of your favorite location

3)set the following Environment variables

1)JAVA_HOME – point to jdk folder of your java installed location
2)M2_HOME – point to maven folder of your maven extracted location
3)PATH – bin of above 2 variables

Screenshots for the same are as below




4)Now check the maven is configured or not by issuing following command from comman prompt
mvn -version


Maven setup in your system is completed now.

Next post – we will see how can we use maven to simplify our software development.

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Founder of
I love Java and open source technologies and very much passionate about software development.
I like to share my knowledge with others especially on technology 🙂
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